A Look at Monthly Digital Spend Reports at Swash Labs


Knowledge is Power

If you are spending money advertising online, you damn sure better know how that investment is being handled.

Or, at least, that’s how we feel about it. When it comes to managing our clients’ media budgets, transparency is a must – which is why Digital Spend Reports are so important to us. Over the years, we’ve asked ourselves continuously how we can present valuable data and insights to clients buying advertising on digital platforms so that they can in turn make informed business decisions. Today we’re sharing with you the current version of this house-made, handcrafted, artisan product. :chef’s kiss:

Each month, our media team compiles a report that’s customized to each client's media mix. Reports are delivered and then, via a Google Meet video call, we go over the data in that client's monthly Co-Lab Session. (What’s a Co-Lab Session? Glad you asked!) Our clients can see exactly what was spent and what the resulted from that spend.

What other information is presented in the monthly Digital Spend Reports? Well, that will vary depending on the campaign objectives, measurement capabilities, and what information is most important to the client.

Want an idea of what our reporting could look like for you?


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