Give 'Em Pumpkin to Talk About

Jack-o-lantern holding a lollipop

Have you checked the calendar yet today? No, really — have you seen? The first day of the tenth month of the year is a momentous day for me and everyone like me: we’re people who’ve chosen to lead a staunchly pro-pumpkin lifestyle.

The world is filled with simple pleasures. I’m here giving you permission to succumb to autumnal delights starting today, even if you still have to wear shorts for another couple of weeks. In honor of October 1st, I’ve polled the employees of Swash Labs to get their pumpkin ’pinions, and compiled the results below. Try not to take offense when people have wrong or bad opinions. Spoiler alert: it happens. Just dust it off and go buy another decorative gourd or five.

Pumpkin pie

So, when SHOULD pumpkin season begin?

  • “September 15”

  • “This is 2019. Have your damn pumpkin whenever you want it.”

  • “October, or AT LEAST the start of Autumn.”

  • “It shouldn't. Long Live Apple Cinnamon Spice.”

  • “Whenever the market will bear it”

  • “When the weather begins to cool.”

  • “October”

  • “September 15th”

  • “I'm okay with never, if we're talking pumpkin spice flavored everything.”

  • “October 1”

Share an animated gif that describes how you feel about pumpkin season.


How do you feel about pumpkins?


Name the most iconic pumpkin/pumpkin-related figure:


What is the greatest pumpkin treat?


What is your favorite part of a trip to the pumpkin patch?


When carving a jack-o-lantern, what vibe do you go for?


Best Use of Pumpkin:

  • “Pie or pepitas”

  • “for dogs, when they have an upset tummy”

  • “Food”

  • “Baked goods.”

  • “As a costume for small babies.”

  • “Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs”

  • “A baby container”

  • “Baking”

  • “breeeeeaad”

Any final thoughts about pumpkins or pumpkin spice that you would like to share with the class?

  • “I love autumn and winter, but the arrival of pumpkin spice flavored everything gives me an overwhelming sense of existential dread.”

  • “it was really hard to decide between David S Pumpkins and Jack Skellington, but if we're being honest, David really fits my aesthetic now”

  • “National Pumpkin Day is October 26th!!!”

  • “There is no, nor has there been any actual pumpkin in a PSL.”

  • “Like what you wanna like. Don't let people like Nic make you feel bad about it.”

  • “You be you, PS. 🤘🏻

In conclusion, autumn is a full season that you are allowed to enjoy (or I guess hate) to whatever extent you wish. Cherish it while you can, because before you know it, we’ll all be like this dude:


Good Reads: Swash Summer Reading 2019


Low and Slow: Why Advertising and Texas Barbecue Are All About Process