Memes as a Marketing Tool


To start, an overly-simplified definition: A meme is a funny video or image that spreads across the internet, often with users putting their own little spin on it. Memes are a byproduct of social media and the way it connects the world via the Internet. Today, memes that go “viral” are typically comical or meant to be entertaining and relatable. For this reason, companies and brands have taken to adding memes to their social media strategies as a means of engaging and entertaining their audiences. Meme marketing is becoming more common among brands on social media, and depending on your brand and/or industry, it might be feasible for you as well.

Why Meme Marketing Works

Why are companies willing to partake in the creation and sharing of memes? Because they succeed in the areas that advertisers value most: memory and virality.


Psychologists have confirmed that comedy is naturally known to boost memory retention. This explains why so many brands opt for a joke or pun in their advertising mixes. While some memes may not be very appropriate for a brand to share, there are many that aren’t offensive and are easily replicated. And giving your audience a laugh could be the key to them remembering you later.


Another reason companies are willing to hop on trends is that they offer the potential to go viral. Going viral is essentially free marketing. Virality has two valuable components that all companies want: visibility and engagement. Not only will many people view the meme, but people will respond with comments, response videos, and other forms of engagement.

How to Incorporate Memes into Your Marketing Strategy

Engage with Trending Memes

The most common (and likely easiest) way to utilize memes is to engage with an already-trending meme that is relevant, or can be made relevant, to your brand. This requires social listening and keeping an eye out for internet meme trends, as well as the ability to know which memes are right to share on your brand’s social pages.

Create Original Memes

Creating your own memes can be a fun and creative way to showcase your brand’s personality and connect with your audience. To create your own memes, start by brainstorming ideas that relate to your brand or product and look at generally popular memes to see if anything can be replicated. You can use online tools like Canva to create your memes, or you can hire a graphic designer to help you.

Use Memes to Highlight the Benefits of Your Product/Service

Memes can also be used to showcase your products in a humorous way. For example, if you own a coffee shop, you could create a meme that shows a tired person with the caption “before coffee” and then a happy, energetic person with the caption “after coffee.” This type of meme not only promotes your product but also connects with your audience on a relatable level.

Don’t Force It!

While memes can be a fun and effective way to promote your business, it’s important not to force it. If memes don’t align with your brand’s personality or values, they may come across as inauthentic or forced. Make sure to evaluate whether meme marketing is the right fit for your brand before implementing it into your social media strategy.


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